Saturday, February 13, 2010

TO a NOISY neighbour!!

I agree
you are the master of your home.
could you perhaps soften your voice,
could you perhaps stop the decibels,
from floating across the fence???
Talking is your birth right
BUT SLEEPINg could be mine!!!


Mural! said...

Words like sleeping is a birthright coming from a self-confessed insomniac is pretty interesting :D

give us more words gal! burn your 2 gallons of ink, been a long time since I've read something from you!! what with being such a good writer.....and a poet.......

yojitA said...

M :->>> i wanna post a new one to reply to this comment !!!! :D :D

~Lady A~ said...

ur neighbour is that loud?? hmm i can hear my neighbour snore once in a while. sounds like a mixy gone all crazy.
u cud get ur neighbours phone num n keep inturruptin his/her convo with random prank calls.but that wudnt help ur sleep. so bad idea. oh well.
hey btw.. typo.. u said brith..instead of birth.

yojitA said...

A :) : lol!!! snoring is youck!!!
and i didnt mean neighbour in literal sense!!neighbour=people right beside me too!!!:)

Prashanth Rajan said...

ROTFL ... Neighbours can be a serious pain in the a** ! :D

yojitA said...
